Coming soon: A podcast about reclaiming lost identity.

I’m Jewish, but was never raised with the religion.
Even so, I’ve spent my entire adult life trying to reclaim the traditions and values that feel both intrinsic and foreign to me. I can imagine I’m not alone.
Enter "Shofar So Good," an audio documentary series in its pilot season about my quest to unearth my Jewish roots by diving head-first into life’s trickiest questions. By exploring questions surrounding faith, death, a higher power, and prayer, I’ll stitch together a better understanding of what it means to be a Jewish person. As a journalist, I’ve often helped other people make sense of their own stories. Now, I’m turning the spotlight on myself, using the journalistic approach I’m comfortable with to approach these daunting questions.
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Subscribe to know more about "Shofar So Good," coming January 8. Or visit shofarsogoodpodcast.com